Hi! My name is Tanya Khanna, and my first post is going to be about why I chose media studies as my subject.
We live in a world were media has the biggest influence on people, be it the radio, news, films, videos, tv programs, newspapers, magazines and the biggest one of them all of this generation, the world wide web or shall just call it THE INTERNET.
Being born in 2003 and growing up in the 21st century, the screen has been my best friend through the hard and rough times. As a kid, I would always watch TV in my free time (which was almost all the time) be it cartoon shows or just being forced into watching the news while my father was home. Media helps us convey messages that once were not conveyed before. It brings hope to people. It tells them that 'they can take a break from their busy lives and just rest for a moment'. most of all it informs them about what is going on around them, about those few unspoken problems and helping breaking those social barriers in society, with films and other different forms of media.
During a dark phase of my so far short life, media, in specific, music and tv shows were the only thing I looked forward for in the day. It have me hope to look forward to another day, the screen also helped me find things that I never knew existed and gave me dreams to achieve, and that is when I realised how much I love the screen and music. Through media and influence of films, online shows, music, and people on the youtube world have helped me shape me who I am today, actually helped me find sides of my self which I never knew existed and helped me realise what I actually want out of my life.
The media greatly influences the way people think, it helps open them to new ideas and opinions that may differ from theirs. and the screen being the major source of media in this generation, brings about changes in the society everyday as it is so easily accessible.
Thus, in this generation to bringing out a change and the truth about things, starts with media (something close to my heart and is the field of my future career) and that is why I chose media studies as my subject.