According to Wikipedia Typography is the art and technique of arranging type to make written language legible, readable, and appealing when displayed. ... The term typography is also applied to the style, arrangement, and appearance of the letters, numbers, and symbols created by the process. when we look at typography in films we mainly have to look at the way they present their titles and opening credits. so what are opening credits? they are the organised information about the people involved in the making of a film. while talking typography there are few terms that we need to know.. here are few of them.
first being credit design. it is a term describing the craft and design of a credit in an opening sequence. it consists of the colour, the font and how the text appears in and exits the frame. they are important as it expresses a lot about the movie that you are about to watch and introduced you to the hand behind and in front while creating the film.
also, each genre has there own types and conventions of typography, for example, the romance genre will have its title and credits in a simple block font and will have the font in either red or white in colour so that it represents love. thus each genre tries to keep its own conventions when it comes to typography so that the audience can understand what genre they are about to watch by just looking at the appearance of the title and credits.
as for our genre, which is psychological thrillers they, the credit design is very simple and have roman like fonts, for example, black swan, and are generally white, black or red in colour. here is the picture of the fonts which we decided to choose from and we deiced to keep it white: