music can be a backdrop for opening credits and make them more interesting and that is what we plan to do with our opening sequence. we also want to use contrasting music to enhance the effect that will be great is amplify the feelings, rather then if we used the music of the same theme, the effect would be much less. especially in horror or thriller movies, contrasting music makes it even more scarier.
in order to get great music, we would have to do sound mixing or audio mixing which is the process of combining multitrack recordings into a final mono, stereo or surround the sound product. there are also themes and stings that we don't really plan to use as our media product is as it is short. a theme is music that is always played when a program or film or character in a series comes on and a sting is a short burst of usually random music.
one of the factors of sound is pitch, which is the sensation of the frequency of the sound. thus there are high pitched and low pitched sounds that both have their own effects. high pitched can be unpleasant to the ears if not used properly and can make the listener uncomfortable and create anxiety. on the other hand low pitch sounds make the listener calmer and comfortable, but can also be scary if they are very low pitched.
I would also want to incorporate silence, although it is not a sound, it can make the media product interesting. it tends to arrest the audience attention to an upcoming highlight and helps builds up the intensity. there are also other important music terms that are important to know while we do sound mixing. few of them being volume, tempo, rhythm and beat, anyone who has learnt music or has any interest in music will also know these terms.