for our opening sequence, we have tried to break many codes and conventions in an attempt to try to surprise the audience. although there are a few things that we want to keep similar to the codes and conventions of this genre in a general.
we want to use low-key lighting to maintain the eerie feeling and suspense in this piece, that can also represent the darkness Zia feels. we also want to keep quicker cuts that increase the suspense and the feeling of fear.
I also wrote about the different aspects of psychological thrillers, (death, reality, identity, existence and purpose). we do want to touch upon some of these factors in the opening sequence but it would not be the main concentration. we would try to concentrate on her character and the problems she faces and her mental illness.
we would also not be using any flashbacks in the opening sequence, due to the time constraints although we would want to be able to bring out the confusion through her action and character in relation to the music, lighting and other aspects.